FAQ - Travel Based Exchanges
Are food costs covered during our travel with overnights?
A: If a meal is required please keep the cost as reasonable as possible. Unreasonable requests may not be covered where more affordable options were available. Keep all your original receipts and you can submit them for reimbursement, once you have returned. We will provide you with an expense form to fill out. We can only reimburse original receipts.
If there are any delays on route (weather related, etc.) and meals are needed again, of course we would cover those too.
Requests for reimbursement should be sent in immediately following the exchange.
Items received after June 30th for the previous months may not be covered unless special arrangements have been made for a late submission.
The maximum group size is 30, although we usually recommend a smaller group of around 15-20 (makes for a more enriching experience).
Not all of our participants can afford the participant fee; can we waive the $75 fee?
We are a program that works with youth that are facing barriers. If the $75 participant fee is a barrier for participation for some of the youth or all of the youth, there are several things that we can do.
The fee can be reduced, the group can raise the costs of the fees for the entire group (or for the necessary youth) or we can request that the full amount be waived. If cost may be a barrier for your group, please contact your regional coordinator to discuss what will be most feasible for you.
I have a youth that is 18. Can I include them in the program as they are part of the group/class?
Youth may be 18 only if their birthday occurs on or after January 1st of the same calendar year that they travel or host.
Further clarification for Age Requirements for the program:
For Winter/Spring Exchanges (January to June)
Youth may be 11 if they will be 12 years of age before June 30th of the same calendar year.
Youth may be 18 only if their birthday occurs on or after January 1st of the same calendar year.
For Summer/Fall Exchanges (July to December)
Youth may be 11 if they will be 12 years of age before December 31st of the same calendar year.
Youth may be 18 only if their birthday occurs on or after July 1st of the same calendar year.
Under no circumstances can we allow 10 year old youth.
Do we get to choose our destination?
A: No. We consider a number of factors in twinning groups (i.e., cost and our regional allocations for example) and that there are no guarantees that you will be twinned with a group from your destination of choice. You may consider applying with a preferred twin (who must also submit an application form), but these requests undergo the same considerations.
Applicants should remain as flexible as possible and keep in mind the objectives of the program (exchange, learning, having a new experience, etc.).
I have 3 classes of Grade 6 students who all want to travel to BC. Can we go?
Can we bring another group leader?
You can for a few reasons- our traditional ratio is 1 group leader to 10 participants. If your school district/organization standards of supervision require it, for instance 7 to 1,we are more than happy to make the arrangement for an extra group leader to travel. Also, if a youth has a specific set of needs that is usually attended to by an aide, etc. then that is also a situation we can help facilitate. If you need another group leader for your exchange . Please call your Regional Coordinator and talk to them about the specifics.