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Steps for screening

Please see the Group Leader Workbook for more information on the steps to screening host families.  


If you are doing a common stay you will not need to submit these forms.  

Family References and Interviews

The forms "Hosting Contract and Family References" and "Reference Interviews" are used for every participant that is going to billet in home.

  • Each host family will need to sign a host contract.

  • Double check that all references are NOT family members or related in any way.

  • Suitable people could include but are not limited to: employer, co-worker, family doctor or your child’s teacher or principal.

  • Ensure that the interviewer and the reference are not the same person.

  • Ensure that each of the references are signed and dated by the person that conducted the interview.  

  • As a Group Organizer, you will approve all families that are hosting and sign off on all references.

Alternate Host Contract

The Alternate Host Contract will be signed by other community members who are hosting a youth, but do not have youth involved in the exchange.  

You will need to follow the same screening process for them.  

Billet List

The Billet List will contain the names and contact and contact info for each host family, and the names of youth who are staying with them. Each family on the list must have already been screened.  

You must submit the Billet List at least two weeks before your group hosts.  

If there are any changes to the Billet List, tell your Regional Coordinator and submit a revised Billet List as soon as possible.  

Common Stay Arrangements

Your group may be involved in a common stay arrangement, either as part of the host plan, such as a camping trip or group sleep over, or one that is needed to remove barriers to participation.

Common stays are usually in school dorms, camps or hostels. In general, hotels are not considered because they are expensive and accessible to the public.  

If a common stay is in your plan, you must complete the Common Stay Information Form, signed by you and your twin.  

If the common stay is to remove barriers (your group is not able to host their twin in their homes), this is considered a Special Measure and will require you to discuss with your Regional Coordinator before you proceed.



The Exchange Plan is a collection of documents that are all neccessary for your exchange. Download your exchange plan at the top of this page.  Please save your Exchange Plan using your group name.

This completed document should be sent electronically to your Regional Coordinator.

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